Friday, March 11, 2011

Wisdom words (this post needs tags)

Dear readers,

Here's a bunch of wisdom paragraphs.


A thin framing with double Masonite board is less intrusive on a pre-primed canvas. Pre-primed canvases are closely knit and are so well stretched that they can be hung on their own weight. I have specifically asked for a thinner frame with no gloss at all. The binder specifically said that a double Masonite layer would be more durable. Also since the painting is an acrylic one, the paint itself acts as a varnish and a glass/protection is not needed.

I have an idea for a two part piece. The ideas are so far doodles and sketches on my trusty sketchbook. There are segments that I haven't decided yet, but still...

A cycle trip to Midnapore eco-park. Firoze is not yet accustomed to joyrides. I could understand that. His GSI field trips are anything but joyrides. But he disagrees. And I disagree, too.

Anyway, today I was using my film camera like a digicam. Shame on me! What about framing the shots? What about judging lights? Never again. Spontaneity comes from understanding and practice. This was like a dude who has just learned G, D, C chords and is trying to do a jazz improvisation. I have also switched to 100 ISO films. This is like stringing the guitar with higher gauge strings. The playing is a bit difficult but the tone is fabulous.


Speaking of guitar strings and re-stringing - I have come across too many people who use floating bridge guitars like Kahlers and Floyd Roses. Most musicians don't even bother to look into the mechanics of these bridges. It is simply based on obtaining an equilibrium of forces using the support springs and the tension of the strings in their resting positions. Today I met another ('another', not 'an') engineering ('engineering', not 'arts') student who had no clue about how to balance his Floyd Rose. As a result, the tune kept falling midway through the song. The singer, who is a close friend of mine, got progressively more and more irritated, which I believe is a completely natural reaction on her part. Ignorance is forgivable. Unwillingness to learn is not. Year after year these players avoid even knowing the system, forget about the act of even tuning or balancing them.

In case these dummies ever read this, here is a simple video to get started. Please note the word 'started'. Fine tuning is a different ball game altogether. It takes about 2-3 hours and upward to perfectly restring, re-calibrate and intonate a floating bridge.

Then they can move into intonation, truss rods, etc., etc. Knowledge is limitless. Unwillingness to learn is unforgivable.


Few days ago, I had written about solving the sudoku. I have scooped out the deterministic part and gave it it's own subroutine. (Not sharing that code. The change is a very minor one). The first part of attempting an ND solver is to write a code that will check the consistency of a given grid. It must be efficient. This consistency check will occur after the grid has already gone through at least one round of deterministic elimination/substitution. I am still out of ideas as to how to check if a grid is consistent, i.e., has the potential to converge.



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